Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It's hard to believe, but midterms are next week! I can't believe that the semester is halfway through, it seems like I just got here. I guess that's the way life is: Time can suddenly move very rapid or drag along. I definately feel like time is trying to dash faster than Usain Bolt or something.

On Sunday, I went hiking in Gyeryongsan National Park with two of my Chinese friends: Yun Yue and Hong. They attend a school in Beijing, although Yun Yue is originally from Nanjing. Hong is in my Korean drumming class, and we have been talking about touring somewhere together since the beginning of the semester. It was quite an adventure trying to navigate the bus system in the town of Daejon, which is the closest town to the park. We took a bus from our town to Daejon and then tried to find the right city bus that would take us to Gyeryongsan. We got lost a few times, but we made it to the park. In Korea, many people are hard core hikers. We walked by several hiking supplies stores as we got closer to the park entrance. When we began our hike, I was surprised by the amount of hikers in the park. Not only that, but all of the hikers were dressed like they just left an LL Bean magazine: The hiking clothes, hiking stick, and the boots made for mountain climbing. I felt so underdressed in my jeans and T shirt. The park was so peaceful and beautiful. We hiked to a temple and a small waterfall. There is a trail up the mountain that we are planning to hike in a few weeks (now that we know how to get to the park).

After a great weekend filled with two great trips, I have to focus on studying for midterms. I have two Korean language tests next week, along with two papers due in two other classes. In Korea, midterm tests are as important as the final exam. Many of my suitemates have been busy studying for midterms, one of my suitemates has eight tests next week, so stressful! I have been making vocabulary flashcards for my language tests today, hoping that studying with flashcards might help me remember the 75+ words I need to know for my midterms. I will be spending the weekend studying Korean style: study from morning until night.

The exciting news is that after my midterm exams, I have a four day break! A few of my teachers cancelled Friday classes because our exam is earlier in the week. I am hoping to go to Pusan to see the ocean. But first, I need to focus on these exams. Argh!

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