Yesterday, I met up with my brother Woosik (Derek). I haven't seen Woosik in almost five years, so it was great to catch up and hang out in Seoul. Derek is finishing University in London. After graduation in the summer, he is hoping to move to the USA to get a PhD. He may also move back to Korea and complete his required two year service in the Korean army.
I don't know if I have mentioned the two year service policy so here is what I have learned since coming to Korea. All Korean men have to serve a required two years in the army. This policy has been around since the end of the Korean War. Most young men serve either right after high school, or after university. Because of this requirement, most men do not begin their career until their late 20's. I think requiring all men to serve in the army for a short period of time is a good idea. It teaches discipline and patriotism. I have talked with many Korean guys from my school who say that after serving, they stay up to date with what is going on in their country more than before. On the other hand, South Korea is a nation that has a very dangerous neighbor that is ruled by a madman. It is not like Korea is a nation at peace with required service in the reserves. All men in the army learn learn how to fight in combat, because it is a possibility with an unpredictable neighbor. It is the constant worry of families with sons in the army that they will never see their sons again, especially since the Yeonpyeon Island hostility.
I met Woosik downtown Seoul in some of the college towns. Hyesun came with me to see Woosik, and the three of us went to get some coffee. It was great to catch up and for my two Korean siblings to meet and swap stories about America. It was so funny to hear them compare teachers and classes at Lutheran North. Hyesun had to leave for a while, so me and Woosik went to a nearby theaters to see a movie. We saw this movie called "The Next Three Days." It starred Russell Crowe, and was about a man who breaks his wife out of jail. I knew nothing about this movie before I saw it, so I was surprised at every twist and turn. It was a good action movie.
After the movie, we met up with Hyesun to go eat dinner together. We went to a fusion restaurant near Hanyang University. The area around the University is filled with coffeehouses, unique restaurants, and other shops geared towards students. It has a great atmosphere, there are always a lot of people hanging out. The fusion restaurant was really good. It was a mix between European and Japanese food, a mix that I would never think would be as good as it was.
Next week when I get back from my trip, I'm going to meet Woosik and his parents for dinner. It will be great to meet his family and hang out more before he leaves for London again. I'm hoping that I can make them some American food.
Now I'm packing for my trip to Japan. I leave tomorrow morning for the Ferry Terminal. The ferry ride will be about ten hours, luckily it is an overnight ferry, so the time will pass quickly. I'm excited to go explore a new place and culture. I will not be blogging during my trip, so I will tell you guys all about my trip when I get back.