Merry Christmas from Seoul, South Korea! I am having a wonderful time celebrating this time of year with the Byeons. Derek just got to Korea a few days ago, so we are going to catch up later this week after Christmas. I miss all of you back home and thinking about you especially at this time of the year.
It has been interesting for me to see how Korea celebrates this time of year. In Korea, Christmas is mostly a couples holiday, a sister holiday to Valentines Day. It is so strange to see a lack of red and green, wreaths, and nativity sets, but rather flowers, chocolates, and teddy bears dressed as Santa. I miss the family aspect of Chistmas, it doesn't seem the same without families together.
In addition to that, Christmas Day is the Korean version of "Black Friday." I woke up this morning and Kyunghye told me we were going shopping. I was really confused because in America everything closes on Christmas. She told me it was the largest sale weekend of the year. After Skyping my family before they left for Christmas Eve candlelight service, we went shopping. It was madness! There were clothes, toys, and I don't know what else flying all over the place. I think everyone in Korea came to the department store we were at to go shopping.
Even though Korean Christmas has been over commercialized just like in the USA, I did find a way to celebrate the Reason for the Season. Last night me and Kyunghye went to the International Lutheran Church in downtown Seoul for Christmas Eve service. There was even candlelight singing! This was the first time I have attended an English speaking church in almost five months. It was a great encouragement to my faith to meet with a diverse group of people from around the world to worship together. It was heaven to be in such a beautiful, peaceful place that had its focus on the true purpose of Christmas: to celebrate the birth of the Savior who came to save all mankind. Amidst all of the chaos Christmas brings even here in Korea, it was nice to let time stand still while worshiping the Savior. Me and Kyunghye are planning to go to this church every Sunday when we are in Seoul.
Being in a foreign country during Christmas time has shown me the true meaning of Christmas even more than before. As a child I would read the Christmas story and hear how Jesus came to save the people of the world. That message has resounded even more this Christmas as I live in a new culture. I have learned the magnitude of the purpose in which Jesus came to this earth. He came to save the people of every nation and culture. It is hard for me to comprehend this concept, but I have come to appreciate it even more this Christmas. It has been such a blessing for me to be in Korea to celebrate Christmas.
Merry Christmas once again! I hope you have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
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