1. I started my online Psychology class. It is a three week intensive so I will be done with it before my finals here at SCH. It has been going well so far. I have been looking forward to taking Psychology in college and so far it has not disappointed! Interesting topics and good discussions in the class (of course when I say "in the class" I mean the discussion board, oh technology....). It is another step towards my goal of completing my college education on time.
2. I finished all of my large projects for my SCH classes this week! On Monday, I had my group project for CID, which marked the end of presentations and research papers for the semester.
3. On Monday, my suite celebrated our Sports Festival win in style at the nicest Korean restaurant in town. We won a gift certificate for our third place finish, so we had a night on the town (at least as much as you can for a small farm town). We ate a lot of food! We also ate quite a few delicacies including: raw crab, squid, and liver. They were quite good as well. It was nice to spend time with my suitemates after our busy day at the Sports Festival.
4. I had two Korean exams this week. Both exams went well, but I still have a lot to study before the final. I am still struggling with my vocabulary, but I'm still charging forward!
5. I received the official notice that I have been accepted for the Fall semester and obtained the course listing for the Fall. I will be taking three Korean language classes in the Chinese program, which is a Korean language intensive program. The majority of the students are Chinese, so the teachers speak in both Chinese and Korean. It will be quite a shock initially for me to not have the possibility of English as a crutch, but I am ready to step up to the challenge. In addition, the Chinese program moves at more than twice the pace of the English program, which is both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. I will continue my Korean studies this summer, hopefully completing the English program Korean textbooks before the Fall. In addition to the Korean classes, I will continue to have exchanges with Korean students and take a few other courses with the English program. It will be very different from these other two semesters, but I think it will really benefit my Korean.
6. On Friday, I joined a group of 20 international and Korean students to go watch Pirates 4 at the local theater. We moved as the Children of Israel (aka. mass mob) to the theater, arriving about thirty minutes early. After purchasing some snacks (I shared some caramel popcorn with Amanda, not in the mood for fried squid on a stick), it was time to go to the movie. I think I have mentioned this before, but in Korea, you are given assigned seats. We weren't able to purchase seats together. As a result, there were pockets of international students all over the theater. It was funny throughout the movie as jokes were cracked, different international students would find it funny, resulting in pockets of laughter from different corners of the theater. It was nice after a week of classes to unwind at the local theater, just like home.
Well...that's all I can think of as of now. I suppose no news is good news! As the semester winds down I am sure I will have lots of stories to share, so stay tuned!
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