Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Going to Japan!

It has been quite a process to get things in order, but I do have a trip planned before I leave for China in January. I am going to Japan with Kyunghye for a week after Christmas. We will take a ferry from Busan to Kyushu, the southernmost main island of Japan. It is home to several famous cities including Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, and Kumamoto. It is famous for Japanese ceramics, Hot springs, Samurai, and Volcanoes. I am super excited to go to such a diverse place, but it will be even better because I will get to share the adventure with Kyunghye. Neither one of us know a lick of Japanese, so I am sure there will be some pretty funny moments.

This afternoon, we went to eat at the restaurant that is owned by the company that Hyesun worked for as an intern and will soon work for after graduation. It was an American grill so I got to eat pasta for the first time since coming to Korea.

After we ate, we went to visit the Byeon's cousins and Aunt and Uncle. It was the older cousin, Jinyoung's 11th birthday so we got to eat cake and play games with the family. It was great to catch up with them since the last time I saw them at Chuseok. I have a video below of Jinyoung's younger brother, Eu-Jin singing for me and Hyesun. He was too shy to sing in front of the camera so he sang from a distance, rolling around as he sings. I couldn't understand him, and Hyesun couldn't either. It is super cute.

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